Monday, December 28, 2009
Back in the 80s: when he was haaawt!
Not so much. Guess I'm questioning the open shirt more than...well, you know.
Monday, December 14, 2009
We Love Dead Things: Part 1
In vamp movies, the male heroes (or anti-heroes) are almost always the vamps themselves. They’re tortured beings, not human and not yet corpses. They drink blood. They are pasty and good-looking. They read minds. They’re sexually attractive (after all, what’s more badass than a man who can kill you? Yeah, death IS sexy and those pale drawn-on abs don’t hurt either).
Served on a hot platter for hormone-raging teenagers and people (I’m not entirely excluded) who have raging hormones like teenagers.
Had this conversation with The Slim One the other day, she totally missed my point. I commented that in real life, no woman in her right mind would ever get in a relationship with a vampire. The Slim One stubbornly used a cliché as an argument: 'but if you really love someone, you wouldn’t mind what he is, would you?' Well, lady, I suppose you would be supportive about people getting it on with farm animals. Sheeesh. Just like how I won’t date any other predators such as lions or alligators, I don’t think a vampire is a suitable life partner no matter how much restrain he has imposed upon himself not to drain me to death. I do love me some vamps, but only in my imagination. And there, they shall dwell til’ the end of time. hohoho.
Make no mistake, these people who made vamp movies know their audience: women or people whose weakness is a desire for romance. In almost every frikkin’ vamp movie the protagonists would be star-crossed lovers ala Romeo & Juliet. And the main story line would be: 'I’m a male vampire, you’re a female human...we...can’…(pained voice) or can we?'. The plot thickens – bak kata Fake Frenchie.
So let’s not be in denial and take them as they are: pure entertainment of oh-so-irresistible harlequin romances. Save for True Blood (which surprisingly contains substantial social issues. and harlequin romances). It’s not called a groundbreaking TV show for nothing – gosh, I should be paid for the free promo. Special thanks to Fake Frenchie (aka Future Apek DVD) for the downloads.
Some of the best out there. In terms of vamp novels though, Anne Rice’s are probably the safest bet.
Rarely do we see the really scary vampire types: if there are any, they’re not the heroes. Like this dude from 30 Days of Night. You don’t see girls screaming his name and tearing his shirt off.
If you wanna go classic, check out Nosferatu (1922) and Dracula (1931). Can't stomach old silent movies? Too bad. These are excellent.
Friday, December 11, 2009
why am i doing this again?
this blog is not my diary. matter of fact, the only time i ever had a diary was when i was 12, and i got it as a birthday present. wrote in it religiously for about one month, got bored, life is happening all around me...yada yada yada. in the past i’ve been highly critical of things like that, so i’m not gonna contradict myself by putting out my ‘feelings’ about the daily and personal events in my life or sharing my ‘deep dark secret thoughts’ by ranting on and on while the world continues on not caring. this statement is not an attack on those who do indulge in such endeavour, because i do understand the appeal of pouring your heart out, much like i understand why people who can afford it go to therapy or why cats fart: it’s only natural. but my purpose in setting up this particular blog is to discuss random (and sometimes seemingly useless) topics and hopefully engage in a lively discussion/argument with the five people who will read this blog out of pity for their dear friend.