Thursday, February 24, 2011

Heard it Through The Grapevine

The last time I went to the movies with The Slim One, I encountered one of my pet peeves in the form of a  woman. We were queuing for our usual popcorn combo when I overheard a 'conversation' taking place between the two people in front of us.

Man: Hari ni panas la. Awak rasa panas tak?
Woman: Sangat!

After 5 seconds.......
Man: Eh lambatnye line ni gerak. Bukannye ramai org pon. Lambat kan?
Woman: Sangat!

WOW. Such witty banter. And I don't think I need to tell you that this continued on and on and on. Thing is, I don't mind if it's a school girl saying that, but a grown woman? Really? And she said it while stressing both syllables, with a slightly higher pitch on the 2nd one. Sa-NGAT! If only everything can be answered that way.

What do you think of the situation in Egypt right now? Isn’t it horrible?

But the truth is, I am guilty of some inane responses as well. (e.g.: Tula pasal. Kan! Serius ke...Boley tak!) Now that I know how annoying that can be, I think I'm gonna use less of these fillers in any future conversation. Because they are frikkin' irritating, especially if you have to hear them every 5 seconds. On second thought, maybe that woman wasn't intentionally responding that way. Maybe she was just bored or can't think of a better response (that's why I usually do it). But do I still want to shake her like a British nanny? Sa-NGAT!