Saturday, February 13, 2010

His Fearful Symmetry

Warning: Skip this entry if u can't stand nudity. or in this case, partial nudity.

My favourite painter of all time: William Blake (1757 - 1827). Nowadays, most ppl think that he was a genius. but during his lifetime, ppl thought he was a psycho. (on account that he said the images/paintings came to him in the form of visions from.....well, God. or some divine figure, i suppose.)

The Angels Over the Body of Christ

His paintings are unique because most artists back then paint boring stuffs like flowers in gardens, or ducks in a pond, or a pretty girl knitting...or some other shit like that. They tend to mimic external reality....u know, things u can see with the naked eye, without really expressing any sort of internal emotion in their work.

Blake, on the other hand, painted scary images that make you really think. or pee in ur pants.

Hecate or the Three Fates

My favs have to be The Great Red Dragon paintings. Though I love all of his work, including his poems. (The Great Red Dragon, of course, is Satan - from the Book of Revelations in the Bible. so you see, it's not only the name of a really cool movie.)

The Number of the Beast is 666

The Great Red Dragon & the Woman Clothed with the Sun

The Great Red Dragon & the Woman Clothed in the Sun

The Great Red Dragon & the Beast from the Sea


Existence said...

whot is this! haha. didnt know u like blake that much.

Mundane Munster said...

OMG. I love him. he rocks my world, y'all!

coy mistress said...

he turns you on like a drop of hot chocolate sauce on the cold, cold vanilla ice cream.


but, thanks. i am now enlightened. even more after reading your german-nudity books.

Mundane Munster said...

HAHAHAHA. ew. u have turned my innocent appreciation of blake into some dirrrty, cheap, vamp romance novel storyline.


p/s: can't think of a title rite now.

coy mistress said...


i have a gift, y'all.