Thursday, May 13, 2010

Silences (a.k.a Killing Me Softly): a very short one-act play

Act 1, Scene 1

Random Makcik on LRT: What EXACTLY do you want to be doing after your Master?

Me: I dunno yet. (jokingly) Take a long nap?. hahaha.


Act 1, Scene 2

Cousin: Ko ni biler lagi nak kawen ni?

Me: (continue eating)


Act 1, Scene 3

Old Friend: Wow. Ko tak berubah ek. Tapi badan lain la........

Me: (bitter laughter)

(silent curse)


Heavy sigh. Contexts y'all. Three things I'm still figuring out. So *shut ur pie-hole!

- setelah menyedari yg perkataan f**k mungkin agak kasar utk pembaca2 blog ini yang igt pie-hole itu adalah nama kedai menjual pai atau tat telur. dlm erti kata lain, pembaca2 innocent yg x suke mencarut. good for you.


coy mistress said...

"shut the fuck up"? exactly.

besides, kan aku ajak kau migrate. that's one solution to all these inconveniences. hai zil (sebab nak tumpang umah zil kat NY sblom dpt keja waitressing).

Mundane Munster said...

immigrants. truly the American dream. hahaha.

jom. belaja elok2, pi sana dok repeat 'do u want fries with dat?'

tp it's ok. coz we be away from ppl who ask questions. we be free.

yeah, hopefully our own Gossip Girl is willing and able.

farahayuni said...

i feel you sista! hahahaha

Mundane Munster said...

farah: ha kan. bende ni cam universal plak.

farahayuni said...

selagik tak kawen wei.
it wont stop. mcm haram. hahhaha
if your marriage is so blissful, why care being busy body?

Anonymous said...

i get that a lot too. sibuk nak tanye kan??? ish ish. suka hati la nak buat ape..

Mundane Munster said...

kan! ke sebab diorg dh xde topik nak berbual? hahaha.

marriage is just another chapter in your life, not your WHOLE life.

well, at least not mine.

Anonymous said...

not yet. ahhahaha

coy mistress said...

erm, not yet? hmmm...

Yaya said...

before kawen: bila nak kawen niii...?

dah kawen: bila nak mengkandung niii?

dapat anak sorang: bila nak tambah anak niii?

dah tua agak2 ada tak org tnya: bila nak mati niiii?

urgh!! betoi gak ar..shut ur pie-hole!!

Mundane Munster said...

kannnnnn......never ending kot. cam ade je x puas hati.

mati tau takot.

sekali x, sekali dh siap galikan kubur. 'aku dh book tmpt utk ko. di ALAM BARZAKH!'

syzn n her fragile heart said...

ha. done.

jom2. im interested with nazlin's idea to migrate. we'll be so cool hahaha :|

Ahmad Ashaari Alias said...

mane ade org tanye aku soalan2 camnih.. takde takde.. *indifferent*

Mundane Munster said...

saza: like, totally. we be like the birds n the bees.

ashare: coz u da one be asking these questions. hahahaha. eleh, tipooooooooo. ke denial.