Tuesday, September 7, 2010

You're Not My Facebook Friend Anymore?

Recently, The Slim One asked me why I only have 182 friends on FB eventhough my account is almost 3 years old. Truth is, every once in a while I 'spring clean' my friend list (oh no she didn't!). Yup. That might seems harsh, but I only defriend ppl I hardly know, or don't have any r'ship with. I mean, we don't even comment on each other's wall, or hangout. or ANYTHING. WE are NOT friends. Basically either you or I made a mistake. Shouldn't have added you in the first place. Besides, I don't think you would notice. Since you have 675 "friends" and all.

Oh, and I also block creepy dudes who posted comments or send messages like "comelnye die......", "eh awak ni lawa la nak berkenalan boleh?" or "boleh x kalo saya mintak no fon awak?". I mean, seriously? Ni bukan e-kawan ok. e-harmony pon x. cube bertenang skit.

Anyways, I'm writing this post bcoz I came across an article on a website entitled The Tricky Art of Defriending on Facebook. It's pretty insightful.

Here are a few hilarious responses from ppl who read the article:

What I don't get is when you de-friend someone, and they try and re-friend you. It's like the ex-boyfriend who drunk dials you crying at 2 AM. Have some PRIDE, dude.


I unfriended an ex-boyfriend partly because I wanted to stop checking his page everyday and partly to get his attention. A few months later I saw him at a bar and decided I was capable of acting like an adult, now. So I refriended him and explained why I had defriended (though he hadn't noticed.) And I invited him to my birthday party, at which he ended up calling the cops (I've got underage friends). And so I unfriended him again, because that was a dick move.


This is kind of my issue with Facebook - it makes everyone feel so goddamn self-important.


I had a girl on facebook who constantly switched religious and political beliefs, and would post sweeping, uninformed generalizations about new and old beliefs. I finally got sick of it and defriended her.

But then she sent me a message asking why I'd done it, and all I could come up with was, "Oh, it must have been a glitch." We're now facebook friends again...


The only defriending I've done is either because I'd never said a word to a person in real life, or the person was just too offensive. I doubt they cared.


I weigh my friending very, very carefully. I consider every possible ramification. Currently I'm 'ignoring' my mom, my husband and more than a few nutty cousins. If they ever call me on it, I say, "Jeesh, ya know, I'm NEVER on that thing!" or "Wow, I didn't see your request, must be something wrong with my FB page!" Heh heh.


She had hundreds of "friends" and I thought she wouldn't notice but she did and sent me an angry note.


I periodically go through my facebook and defriend people. If I haven't spoken to you in over half a year, and you haven't spoken to me, and we live in completely different places, and never speak outside of facebook, I defriend you.


I defriend people who begin to over-include me in the ups and downs of their romantic relationships. Yes, friend, I am interested to know about that gig you just played, but I did not need to know that 'it wud have been perfect if dat special some1 had been there :('.


Oh, I've got one. How about defriending on Facebook as a way of saying, "we're breaking up after 2-and-a-half years". That's right. The defriending came BEFORE the actual breaking up conversation. What an idiot. I'm glad he's gone.


My cousin recently friended me. I haven't really seen him since we were kids, so I had no idea what kind of man he turned out to be. Thanks to his status updates, I now know he turned out to be a total douchebag. Defriending him is not worth the potential drama, but he is definitely hidden.


That's it for now, folks. Hmmm. Maybe I should check my FB page now & feel sorry for myself. Since I have 'only' 182 friends.

p/s: Do you guys think defriending ppl is a dick move? (bak kate treeofsneezes)


Anonymous said...

oh i spring clean my friends list all the time. hahaha

eventually i got tired of doing that, i deleted my facebook, friedster and their siblings altogether. hahah

farahayuni said...

hakhak. very true indeed babe,
tapi aku malas gile layan crappy tu semua.
fesbuk is just alter ego.
it is not real!

Mundane Munster said...

hana: kannnnn......i now ade facebook je. friendster, myspace, twitter sume xde. tu pon x larat nak tgk. juz to keep in touch ngan kwn2 je.

farah: btol. ppl put on fake personalities on FB. so dat they look cooler. and nicer.

coy mistress said...

you ni lawa la. dah makan ke? dah ade boyfriend ke blom? boleh i masuk line?


Mundane Munster said...

tu mmg minta diblock. ewewewew.

Ayat Mengorat Rempit 101. ade ke pompuan yg flattered dgr statement2 camtu?


coy mistress said...

too easy. ada kot :P

syzn n her fragile heart said...

hahahaha i have this friend request from a guy who happens to be one of the admin staff's nephew. he added me once and i ignored.

and he added me again, the second time.


syzn n her fragile heart said...

oh, which reminds me. i got defriended all the time too but i dont go and ask people around for explanation.

Yaya said...

oh thank u mashy.i just defriended some ppl after i read this entry.and i feel good.hahahaha...stakat befriend sbb nak stalk gambar org,tak payah!!!

Mundane Munster said...

ayie: kannnnnnn....bknnye nak keep in contact as a fren, tp dok stalk pics n status kite. creepy giler.

syaza: tula. kalo org tu x rapat ngan aku, x notice pon kene defriend. toksah tanye kot. malu aih.

n yeah, org yg kite ignore tp x paham. waaaaaaat

Indra said...

thanks for this thoughtful entry, I should make my move now...spring clean my FB friends list...1st move, delete all dudes! haha!

Mundane Munster said...

nazrie: ko nak buang dudes jela kan. HAHAHA.

pimp ke ape. escort service ni.....sume dlm list pompuan.