Thursday, February 24, 2011

Heard it Through The Grapevine

The last time I went to the movies with The Slim One, I encountered one of my pet peeves in the form of a  woman. We were queuing for our usual popcorn combo when I overheard a 'conversation' taking place between the two people in front of us.

Man: Hari ni panas la. Awak rasa panas tak?
Woman: Sangat!

After 5 seconds.......
Man: Eh lambatnye line ni gerak. Bukannye ramai org pon. Lambat kan?
Woman: Sangat!

WOW. Such witty banter. And I don't think I need to tell you that this continued on and on and on. Thing is, I don't mind if it's a school girl saying that, but a grown woman? Really? And she said it while stressing both syllables, with a slightly higher pitch on the 2nd one. Sa-NGAT! If only everything can be answered that way.

What do you think of the situation in Egypt right now? Isn’t it horrible?

But the truth is, I am guilty of some inane responses as well. (e.g.: Tula pasal. Kan! Serius ke...Boley tak!) Now that I know how annoying that can be, I think I'm gonna use less of these fillers in any future conversation. Because they are frikkin' irritating, especially if you have to hear them every 5 seconds. On second thought, maybe that woman wasn't intentionally responding that way. Maybe she was just bored or can't think of a better response (that's why I usually do it). But do I still want to shake her like a British nanny? Sa-NGAT!


Anonymous said...

Hahahah. I rase tht woman bosan hahahah

coy mistress said...

ntah, kau. marah pompuan tu. sedangkan she's a student of philosophy and divinity and she couldn't care less of that asshole she was with.

eceh, nak inset in jugak stewie reference at they very end. well done!

Mundane Munster said...

hana: i terpikir gak. but then her Sa-NGAT tu enthusiastic giler. ala2 bebdk glee.

nazlin: stewie invades my very soul.

Bulat said...

haha.the slim one tu mesti sasana kan? ke tak?

Mundane Munster said...

x, akak aku. hahaha. kalo syaza more than slim kot. phewittt.......

syzn n her fragile heart said...

tah, aku kan forever baby kailan. ppfftt apa pasal aku more than slim plak???

w verification: mundine

right on!

Yaya said...

serious ke...


Mundane Munster said...

syaza: mundine tu evil twin aku.

ayie: serious weh.

Bulat said...

oh.ingtkan baby kailan.hoho.