Thursday, April 7, 2011

Crazy Like Charlie Sheen

Last week, a friend of mine gave me a short story to read. The title is Hysteria, written by Eva Gale. I have no idea who the writer is, so I don’t have a clue of what it’s about. Of course, the title being Hysteria, I immediately assume it’s going to be about a crazy girl screaming that she’s seen her dead grandmother (or the frozen face of Joan Rivers floating ala Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland) sulking around the house. Imagine my surprise when I found that it’s about a girl who goes to a doctor to get her monthly ‘treatment’ for ‘hysteria’. The treatment in question basically involves the attending doctor to stimulate orgasm in the patient. Using their hands. Done. Hahaha. At first I was like, “Hoi kawan aku ni bagi erotica short story ke kat aku? Ingat aku pervert ke?” (Defensive org lain tau aku pervert). But then towards the end it is mentioned that back in the 19th century orgasm was thought as the actual cure for hysteria among women. 

Yes, only women get hysterical apparently (sexist bastards). Somehow I suspect this was a ploy by the male doctors – they get to grope and touch women’s private parts and get paid. Genius. Disgusting, but genius. But alas, they had the scientific evidence that was not only sufficient enough to back their claim, but also accepted by the society (Gee…I wonder why?). I guess orgasm does calm people down because it essentially satisfies their sexual needs/urges/frustrations. But must it be done that way? Also, did the women really have hysteria? Ntah2 saja. Hoho. 

I looked it up on the internet and they actually have the advertisements for vibrators back then. How weird is that? I always thought vibrators were invented in 1960s or something. So yeah, I kid you not. Women back then (not in Malaysia la) actually let male doctors touch.them.down.there. They also bought vibrators like they’re toothbrushes, a common routine. I doubt most women who bought them even had hysteria.
This topic makes a great study for feminism in the 19th century, no?

Even scarier
Did I blow your mind?


Bulat said...

soothing cordless vibrator? wow.

i bet every male back then wants to become a doctor. haha

farahayuni said...

another brilliant entry!

*terus google vibrator! lol

Mundane Munster said...

fina - trudat. cordless tu x thn la.

farah - google je xpe. sekali mail order trus. hoho

Yaya said...

tetibe imagine gynea aku.erk.

Mundane Munster said...

ayie - gynea ko laki ke? hohoho. ke ye. ok takot.

syzn n her fragile heart said...

mashy defensive org lain kau pervert? it is a known fact between us anyway :P

syzn n her fragile heart said...

*org lain tau kau pervert?

typo plak dahhhhh

Anonymous said...

Ish2. Terkejut.

Mundane Munster said...

syaza - tudia typo skit pon nak btolkan. kene cover skit ke-pervert-an aku. subtlety yo.

hana - kannn...patut zaman dulu lg x berape bole accept treatment camtu.