Tuesday, July 19, 2011

...and no one around could tell us apart...

I have found my kindred spirits! Bak kata budak pompuan yg sgt drama queen from Anne of Green Gables. hahaha. It's weird how people feel connected to those who share the same birthdays as them, or even the same star signs. I'm not really big on horoscopes or personality types & all that shit but I do feel excited when I read about people who share the same birthday as mine for some reason. Here are some of them:

Nelson Mandela

Vin Diesel

Chace Crawford

Kristen Bell

Benedict Cumberbatch (who plays Sherlock Holmes in the BBC series & creepy rapist in Atonement. LOVE him!

Plus: Clifford Odets (American playwright), Priyanka Chopra (Bollywood actress & former Miss World) & Steve Forbes (Forbes magazine - duh!). Pretty diverse bunch, eh? Yeayyyyy Veronica Mars! hihihi. Nasib baik ada gak pompuan. Selama ni trauma banyak lelaki je sama ngan aku. Apakah maksudnye? Happy Birthday, fellow July 18 Cancerians!


Anonymous said...

happy birthday!!! yeay, finally we are the same age. haha

Mundane Munster said...

HAHAHA. trudat. thanx hana!

farahayuni said...

ape motif post ko neh wei? ingat best kot???

tapi mmg best kot! lol

Mundane Munster said...

farah: dun be hatin'. hahahaha. sebb july 18 selalu x jumpe among my frens. byk 19th or 20th. rupa2nya aku cenderung celebriti. muahahaha

Bulat said...

jadi, kau rasa kau best lah?

coy mistress said...

oh my gawwwddd aku pun penah google famous people born on my birthday. great minds think alike, or not, whatever.

Mundane Munster said...

fina: read my respon to farah. hoho. mandela woi. waka waka afrika gak ah.

nazlin: indeed. cam where do I belong in this world? lepas tgk list trus buoiiiiiiiiiiiii! tp depa tgk aku cam NYEH! atau No, No....ala Consuela.