The movie focuses more on the three main characters (Laura, Lila & Tom) & their destructive 'love triangle'. I think the movie missed out on the opportunity to explore the dynamics between the rest of the group, which can be pretty hilarious. Also, the book gives more insights on the group's shared feeling of hopelessness & restlessness which is pretty similar to what I think all of us are going through. And by us, I mean people who are in their mid to late twenties. Issues like broken dreams (or lack thereof), dissatisfaction in relationships/marriages & the fear of letting go of control and really just putting yourself out there emotionally are cleverly insinuated throughout the book.
I also think the verbal sparring between the girls and the guys are perfectly written. Friends do that, don't they? Instead of an outright confrontation, we snap at each other when we're angry and attack each other's weaknesses with biting words. And this is done in such a cunning way that you don't know whether to take the words as insults or mere comments. Either way, you can't really ask because then you'd actually fight and your relationship might be damaged by it.
The writer also wrote the screenplay & directed the movie so I think the overall mood/sentiment of the film stays true to the book. And there's one line in the movie which is not in the book that I think is the best line to sum up Tom's real reason for staying and choosing Lila instead of Laura.
Tom: What I'm trying to say is....I'm afraid of the ocean.
Now, this line would only make sense if you know the difference between Laura and Lila. Basically, Laura = passionate, intelligent, creative & Lila = predictable, superficial, controlled. So Laura is the ocean that Tom is afraid of. And I also like these lines:
Tom: You know, boring is better than maddening.
Laura: I'd rather die of excitement.
LOL. Tom basically just admitted that Lila is boring. You might think that I identify with Laura, but I think I'm actually more like Tom. A freaking coward when it comes to emotions. Like Laura pointed out to Tom, "Greatness makes me sick." Well, the 'me' is not her. She was mocking Tom. Anyway, it's an excellent book, and the movie is pretty awesome too. I know a lot of people hate the ending but I think it's perfect. Don't worry, I won't spoil it for those who haven't watched it yet. So, if you're looking for a book or a movie, check this one out. Just don't kill me if you hate it.
P/S: The soundtrack is pretty bitchin'.
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