Saturday, October 16, 2010

Inception My Arse

From the title of this post, most of you would assume that it will be about the movie Inception. No, it's not. Although I will say one thing about that overrated piece of "stunning" and "complex" cinematography: I don't fucking see the point. And don't get me started on Avatar. I've seen better storylines on Cerekarama at TV3. (Ok, so I don't watch Cerekarama, but still. You feel me, bro? You feel me.) However, I do like the idea that one can enter the dream state of another person and.......well, experience what's happening there. And knowing that even when it's a complete nightmare, Freddy Kruger can't really kill you. Unless you suffer some kind of shock from seeing his ugly face and get a heart attack. Hmmm. Indeed.

So anyhoo, while the movie gave me a massive headache and a newfound hatred for anything "intellectual", it also got me thinking: what do I dream about the most? If someone were to enter my dream, what will they see? Well, I don't really remember all my dreams in detail, but I do have a recurring theme: falling. I am always falling in my dream; falling off a cliff, a building, a chair, etc. So recently I googled the meaning of dreams and got this website as the first hit: Dream Dictionary. It has everything from Cheese to Facebook to Zombies. I'm not even kidding. This is what it says about falling:

To dream that you fall and are not frightened, signifies that you will overcome your adversities with ease.

To dream that you fall and are frightened, indicates a lack of control, insecurity, and/or lack of support in your waking life. You may be experiencing some major struggle and/or overwhelming problem. It may also imply that you have failed to achieve a goal that you have set forth for yourself.

Oh no.......but touche my friend, touche.

But my favourites are the ones about animals and food.


To see or eat papaya in your dream, indicates a healthy sex drive.
Contoh ayat: “I have quite an insatiable papaya, y’all!”


To see an orangutan in your dream, signifies your wild inner character and sexual desires. Alternatively, an orangutan suggests that you are being manipulated. (Baby Kailan: take note. snake no more). 


To dream of eating a waffle, indicates that you need to come down from your lofty ideals and approach life from a more pragmatic perspective. The dream may also be a metaphor that you are "waffling" or undecided over some matter. - Guess I should stop buttering my waffle then. hmmpfh!


To see or eat mayonnaise in your dream, represents disappointment in your waking life. It also suggests that you are being insulted or disrespected. Contoh ayat: "How dare you mayonnaise me last nite!"

However, this one trumps them all:

Maxi Pad
(let's not put an image here)

To see a maxi pad in your dream, indicates that you need to release some pent up anger or tension. It may also mean that some creative energy is being released or recognized. If you see Always Maxi Pads in your dream, then the dream may be telling you "always" is the answer to some question or comment. 

Make of that what you will. hohoho.

What do you guys often dream about? Seriously. I wanna know. I've had some weird ones but nothing I could confess publicly. or I shall have to kill you & make it look like an accident.


coy mistress said...

akak hostile taw nak bunuh2 orang. kau cliche sial, mimpi nak fall off jer...

i have few weird, twisted dreams which i care not disclose here (but some of it i have confessed to you personally)...i'll definitely check out the dream dictionary (oh wowo).

mimpi kena gigit/makan/backstab dgn ular?

analyze that, bitch.

Mundane Munster said...

it's a cliche for a reason, hooka. tp mmg akan kejutan elektrik and muscle spasm y'all. sakit ah. tp tu yg recurring je.

aku penah mimpi budak laki random from sekolah nak masuk meminang. aku x kenal die. serius. tetibe msk mimpi aku. inception ni.

aku juga penah mimpi bunuh satu family aku. well, aku tgk depa sume dah terbaring mati. n aku pegang pisau. so.....aku rase la aku yg bunuh.

tp apparently, mimpi2 yg teruk pon explanation die simple. so i don't feel bad no more. hoho. check out the snake thing on the website, yo.

Anonymous said...

i selalu refer to the dream dictionary too. hahahah

i selalu mimpi ular juga.. hmmm and other stuff yg mengarut2 juga like jewellery, naik elevator. hehe

coy mistress said...

dah ko kenapa mimpi violence sampai bunuh ahli keluarga...haish.

and yes, terer budak skolah ko inception kan mimpi ko....jodoh ni.......

and on the snake, that's figuratively syaza-speak. we don't need to decipher to know what it means.

Mundane Munster said...

hana - kannnn. best kot dream dictionary tu. kelakar pon ade. koala tu lawak la. sape yg mimpi koala? random.

nazlin: snake syaza mmg melayu la. bak kate org2 tua. hahaha.

well, aku mmg saiko kan. tp xla aku nmpk in the act of killing. actually, psl unresolved issues je. boley x. simple y'all. i ain't no dexter after all.

coy mistress said...

HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA babih takdak climax lansung. i dream of killing you because i have unresolved issues. done.

Mundane Munster said...

kan! cam heyyy. dun be mad coz i be killin' u.

it's just emotion taking me over........caught up in sorrow.....lost in the song....

syzn n her fragile heart said...

hahhaha why my name be mentioned here?

yela ular2 aku ular melayu. aku berpegang kepada akar umbi. :P

btw aku slalu mimpi kejar2 org weh. bgn tdo je penat gile mcm btol2 kejar. wtf

Mundane Munster said...

To dream that you are chasing someone, signifies that you are attempting to overcome a difficult goal or task. You may also be expressing some aggressive feelings toward others.


syzn n her fragile heart said...

hahahaha it need no explanation on who actually.

overcome difficult goal or task? bring it on. :P

syzn n her fragile heart said...

masyi, kalau aku kejar ko camne ha?

Mundane Munster said...

aku = difficult goal. trudat.

sebab ape aggressive feelings ko ade kt aku? dis ain't no lesbo porn. ke snuff muvi. ko dlm diam dendam membara kt aku.


coy mistress said...

oh. passions between syaza and mashy. lesbo porn at its best.

syzn n her fragile heart said...

hahahaha babih. porn lesbo apadia.

but necessarily chasing someone, how about being chased after instead?

syzn n her fragile heart said...

*but not. typo pulakkkk.

kau sebagai contoh okay?

Mundane Munster said...

To dream that you are being chased, signifies that you are avoiding a situation that you do not think is conquerable.

ko = unconquerable? like mount everest. 100 years ago. not!

syzn n her fragile heart said...

hahahhahaha babih.

aku mmg unconquerable weh.

take that beeetch :P