Sunday, November 21, 2010

estoy obsesionada!

1. Marrybrown's Spicy Seafood Porridge

I kid you not. This is the best porridge I've ever tasted. Didn't know Marrybrown is a Malaysian-brand fast food chain, though. Kenape nama Marrybrown? Ate the first bowl at Cameron Highlands, never look back since. McDonalds ain't got nuthin' on this!

2. Vampire Weekend

Love their songs. and sound. and style. can do without the name, though. kinda lame. keep playing 'Giving Up The Gun'. I see you shine in your way.....go on, go on, go on..........

3. Ten Word Wiki

Where contributors describe something or someone in 10 words or less. I laughed my ass of at these:

Angelina Jolie - Heavily tattooed kinky actress. Wants one child in every colour.

America - Like to bomb Arabs. Then cry when it happens to them.

Genitalia - Boy or girl part. Caution: when mixed, babies may occur.

English (people) - Likes: soccer. Dislikes: foreigners. Invented English, but can't speak it.

Voluptuous - Polite way of saying fat. Usually used by fat people.

The best insults EVER:

Matthew Broderick - Once played Ferris Bueller. Now sadly married to Sarah Jessica Parker.

Sarah Jessica Parker - American actress, bartender asks her Why The Long Face?

Keira Knightley - Beautiful British ironing board, doubles up as a film actress.

Andrew Lloyd-Webber - Writes musicals and has a face like a deflated football.

4. Book Xcess

This is the old one, though. Now it's bigger.

Cheap books. Nuff' said.

5. Alan Carr & Graham Norton

Alan Carr

Host of the best talk show on earth: Chatty Man! Showed me how boring American talk shows are by comparison. He's hilarious without being mean-spirited. Especially funny when Americans went on the show and didn't get the Brit's dry sense of humour & 'shocking' behaviour.

Graham Norton

Worth seeing just for his ridiculously loud suits. But he's funny as well. Sometimes in a mean way, though. Love it when he mentions funny websites. Also good at pranks.

6. Family Guy Season 9 Episode 4: Halloween on Spooner Street


Wash. Rinse. Repeat.


coy mistress said...

try community season 2 epi 9.

ko mmg suke porridge kan. porridge girl!

Bulat said...

book xcess tu kat mana mok?

Mundane Munster said...

nazlin: oh! aku x tgk lg community season 2. not even epi 1. such shame. jap nak harakiri.

fina: bookxcess tu kt amcorp mall. depan A&W kt pj tu.

Existence said...

oh.dh lama tak pegi situ.

lots of junks on wikens.

coy mistress said...

you should. epi 9 will blow your mind.

syzn n her fragile heart said...

porridge? you old beetch. hahaha

tapi aku pon suka jugak.

bookxcess? been hearing about this for ages but never stepped foot on it *coughcough*

Mundane Munster said...

fina: a'ah junks yg best.

nazlin: will do.

syaza: jomla pi. tp ko selalu ajak pi midv or klcc je. hahaha